
A Step-by-Step Guide to Writing a Stellar Award Recommendation Letter

Award Recommendation Letter
Award Recommendation Letter

Writing an award recommendation letter can feel daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. Whether you’re nominating a colleague for employee of the year or a student for an academic award, this guide will help you create a compelling letter.

By the end of this listicle, you’ll know exactly how to write letters that capture the essence of the nominee’s achievements and character, increasing their chances of winning. Let’s dive in!

Understand the Purpose of Your Recommendation Letter

Before you start writing, it’s essential to understand the purpose of your  recommendation letter. An award recommendation letter serves to highlight the nominee’s accomplishments, skills, and qualities that make them deserving of the award. Understanding this will help you focus on the key points that need to be included.

For instance, if you’re writing for a leadership award, emphasize the nominee’s leadership skills. Make sure that you highlight the impact they’ve had on their team or community.

Gather All Necessary Information

One of the critical steps in writing recommendation letters is gathering all the necessary information about the nominee. This includes their resume, a list of their achievements, and any other relevant documents.

Speak to the nominee to get a sense of their most significant accomplishments and challenges they’ve overcome. The more details you have, the more persuasive and specific your letter will be.

Start With a Strong Opening

The opening of your letter sets the tone for the entire document. Begin by clearly stating who you are. Let the reader know your relationship to the nominee and the specific award for which you are nominating them.

Say something like, “My name is Jane Doe, and I’m the marketing manager for XYZ Corporation.”  I am writing to nominate John Smith for the Employee of the Year Award.”

This provides context. It also establishes your credibility as someone who knows the nominee well.

Highlight Specific Achievements

When writing effective award letters, specificity is crucial. Highlight the nominee’s specific achievements that are relevant to the award. Support your assertions with statistics and anecdotes.

For instance, don’t say, “John is a great employee.” Instead, you need to say, “John increased our quarterly sales by 20% through his innovative marketing strategies.”

Specific successes offer hard proof of the nominee’s aptitudes. It can make your letter more compelling.

Use Vivid and Positive Language

The language you use can significantly impact how your letter is received. Talk using vibrant, positive language to highlight the nominee’s credentials and traits. Words like “outstanding,” “exceptional,” and “dedicated” can make your letter more engaging and memorable.

Additionally, avoid vague or generic statements. Instead, focus on unique attributes that set the nominee apart from others.

Include Personal Anecdotes

Personal anecdotes can add a human touch to your recommendation letter and make it more relatable. Share a specific story or example that illustrates the nominee’s character and qualifications.

For instance, “I remember when John remained late for weeks to guarantee the success of our new product introduction. His dedication and hard work were instrumental in its success.” Such anecdotes provide a deeper insight into the nominee’s character and work ethic.

Address the Award Criteria

Each award has specific criteria that nominees must meet. Make sure to address these criteria directly in your letter.

Review the award guidelines and tailor your letter to highlight how the nominee meets or exceeds each requirement. This shows that you have done your homework and strengthens your case for why the nominee deserves the award.

Maintain a Clear and Logical Structure

A well-structured letter is easier to read and more effective. Start with an introduction, followed by detailed paragraphs on the nominee’s achievements, qualities, and personal anecdotes.

Conclude with a strong closing statement that summarizes why the nominee is deserving of the award. Using clear headings and a logical flow will make your letter more compelling and professional.

Proofread and Edit

Even the most compelling letter can be undermined by spelling and grammar mistakes. Spend some time thoroughly proofreading and editing your letter. Reading it out loud can help you catch errors and awkward phrasing.

You could also wish another someone to check it over for you. New eyes can offer insightful comments and point out errors you might have overlooked.

They may even have resources of professional letter templates that you don’t have access to. This will help you improve and enhance your letter’s overall quality.

Conclude With a Strong Closing

Your last paragraph should restate your great support of the nominee. It should also summarize why they are deserving of the award.

You could say something like, “In conclusion, I wholeheartedly support John’s nomination for the Employee of the Year Award. His exceptional skills, dedication, and achievements make him an outstanding candidate.”

Ensure you also include your contact information. Offer to provide additional details if needed.

Provide Your Contact Information

Including your contact information at the end of your letter is essential. This allows the awards committee to reach out for any further inquiries or clarifications regarding your recommendation.

Be sure to provide a professional email address and phone number, ideally one that you check regularly. For instance, you could write, “Please feel free to contact me at or (555) 123-4567 should you require any additional information or specific examples regarding John’s contributions.”

This openness not only supports your endorsement of the nominee. It also underlines your commitment to their success.

Send It With Confidence

Once you’ve written, proofread, and edited your letter, it’s time to send it off. Ensure that you follow any specific submission guidelines provided by the awarding body.

Send it confidently. Your well-written and well-researched nomination letter will give the nominee a better chance of winning, and they’ll appreciate your support.

An Award Recommendation Letter Is a Reflection of the Nominee

Writing an award recommendation letter is not only about highlighting someone’s achievements. It’s also a reflection of their character and your relationship with them.

Just remember to proofread and edit your letter thoroughly and provide your contact information for further inquiries. With these tips in mind, you’ll be able to write effective and impactful award recommendation letters that will help deserving individuals receive the recognition they deserve.

So go ahead and start writing those inspiring letters!

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