
Professional look and overview of the entire ranking system in Fortnite


Fortnite was developed by Epic Games and has become one of the most popular projects in the battle royale genre, closely competing with PUBG. In order not only to enjoy the player but also to progress and receive a Fortnite boosting rank, it is important to understand how it works and how the process of accumulating ratings goes.

In this guide, we will look at the main aspects and approaches to increasing your rank in Fortnite, where more attention is paid not only to shooting and survival but also to strategies of different levels that will greatly help your progress and development in the game.

General understanding of the Fortnite ranking system

The rank system in Fortnite includes several levels, which are mastered by players one by one after training and the calibration stage.

For your victories and simply good and active actions, you will receive fame points, which will affect your rating and increase or decrease it. The calculation takes into account the total survival time and kills that you can make for the entire match.

Top tips to help you increase your rank



Controls and settings for your hero

You need to adjust your mouse sensitivity in Fortnite, just like with any other shooter. To do this, lower the value as low as possible so that you feel comfortable using the aiming system. To begin with, remove the number 5 and put 2 this will be enough to increase your accuracy, but at the start, it may be unusual.

Try to select and activate a key setting that is convenient for you so that you can quickly grab weapons to collect resources, build, throw grenades, and use first aid kits.

Construction mechanics

This is the most important mechanic that Fortnite has because it allows you to build shelters and barricades at any time in the match and hide behind them from enemy damage. According to game statistics, players more often survive if they know how to build a defensive block in time and restore it during a duel and loss from enemy fire.

You can build walls, floors, ramps, and other elements from wood, stone, and metal. Learn to quickly find resources, select areas to start construction, and places that you need to quickly target to do it efficiently and instantly.

Drop off point

You need to jump where there are few players because places, where 100 players will land, are not safe for your Fortnite rank boost.

Find a location with a couple of buildings and look for valuable loot there, when the game map begins to shrink, then begin your movement, and then only if you find yourself outside of it. It’s not worth taking unnecessary risks, especially at the beginning of the match, when enemies are everywhere, and for successful boosting in Fortnite you need not only to make a lot of kills but also to survive as long as possible.

Weapon selection priority

You need to find and provide yourself with weapons and armor, as well as various weapon accessories, grenades, and medicine.

Look for stimulants and shields that will help increase your speed and threshold for taking damage before you run out of health. Try not to miss and collect all the wood, metal, and stone that you come across along the way.

Try to find an assault rifle and any secondary weapon that you feel comfortable playing with. Collect cartridges and grenades, medicines and get ready for battles against other players.


Keep an eye on the upgrade levels of the combat zone and move in such a way as to be invisible to other players without being outside of it. Listen to the sounds to understand whether there are battles around, or whether there are opponents nearby – this is necessary for your safety.


Survival is more important than killing, and if you have the opportunity to survive to the top 10 without firing a single shot, then do it. Even if it takes longer, it will bring you more rank boosting in Fortnite than killings, which are also far from guaranteed to have a good ending.

Learn to aim

To kill enemies more than die, you need to be able to shoot accurately while standing still and when the enemy moves. You shouldn’t move yourself at this moment, because it won’t help you and won’t give you a single accurate shot.

Shoot carefully, carefully, and slowly, controlling recoil, this is the only way to direct all the bullets to approximately the same point and maintain your combat potential.

You can train shooting on special AIM maps, but the main thing is to play as many matches as possible and your intuitive experience will increase your level of play, Fortnite boosting, and game tone, which will have a good effect on the quality of the matches.

Game sense and decision-making

Learn and remember important points on game maps. After all, there aren’t enough different game areas in Fortnite that you can’t remember them all. As a last resort, simply limit the gaming areas you don’t like so that the system does not take them into account during the search.

Learn to capture important milestones

On each game map, there are advantageous points that need to be controlled – these are heights, buildings, and lowlands in which you can hide from enemy sight.

Remember that any skirmish carries a high risk of drawing in more and more players, and sometimes without returning fire you can simply get your offender killed by opponents attracted by the noise

Try to always be in a safe territory, because this pushes enemies to come towards you, to prepare for defense, and they are at greater risk of losing a boost in Fortnite than you.

Build tunnels

The closer the game gets to the end, the fewer enemies, but the smarter, stronger, and more cunning they are, and you need to look for your methods to ensure victory.

You can build barricades and tunnels to approach enemies faster and safer, bypassing other players. Build double defense points to make it very difficult for the enemy to destroy them, but remember that such buildings are very material-intensive.

How to play in a team



The structure of the matches alters significantly if you go in group mode. Tactics and interactions are added to the game, without which you simply cannot guarantee yourself victory and boost your rank in Fortnite.

You have to communicate a lot make plans, and then adjust them if suddenly something doesn’t go according to plan.

Check the location of the enemies and the direction of the group, who is covering and who is collecting loot, and so on. It is better to clarify the details once again than to end the match early due to duplication of actions. If you can’t speak, then put marks and use emotions.

Learn to act synchronously – a squad that simultaneously attacks enemies from two or more positions has a greater chance of winning.

Play together and develop a team tone, support each other, and maintain a positive attitude and any match will be a joy for you.

Follow the professionals

Many streamers and professional players often play their matches on streams, and you can simply watch what they do and adopt the best solutions for your matches. This will help if you play alone and want to train your skills, and in tournaments if you want to train as a team and get better.

Stay tuned

Each major update is a balance change from Epic Games and possibly the presentation of new game cards and their features. Sometimes it’s worth reading all the patch notes and changes in advance to stay up to date and not lose your rank in Fortnite due to ignorance.


Boosting your rank in Fortnite is a combination of developing gaming skills, understanding strategy, and constant gaming tone with learning shooting techniques, movement, survival, and construction.

Read patch notes regularly and look for a gaming team, because playing in a squad is more interesting, more fun, and more tactically correct.

For the sake of boosting in Fortnite, remember that not only kills are important, but also the overall survival time, and sometimes instead of attacking, you need to wait for the best moment.

Remember that your rank is a reflection of your individual playing level and if you are not satisfied with it, then continue to work hard and success will not keep you waiting long.

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